IMPORTANT: Before you begin any use of the Computer Programs listed below, please read the terms of use contained in this Agreement carefully. Installing, launching or otherwise starting to use the Software signifies proper conclusion of this Agreement and your full agreement with all of its terms and conditions. If you do not unconditionally accept the terms of this Agreement, you may not use the Program.


This License Agreement applies to the Software: “Whatcrm”, “Avito by Whatcrm”, “Avito by Whatcrm and Telphin”, “Telegram by Whatcrm”, “Telegram by Whatcrm and Telphin”, “WhatsApp by Whatcrm”, “WhatsApp by Whatcrm and Telphin”.


233 Needham Street, Suite 550, Newton, MA 02464, USA

1.2 Licensee — any individual or legal entity, which has the right to use the Program in its own interest in accordance with the requirements of this Agreement.

1.3 Program — the Program for computers “Whatcrm”, which is an objectively presented set of data and commands, including the source code, database, audiovisual works, included by the Licensor in the composition of the specified program for computers, as well as any documentation on its use.

1.4 Use of the Program — use of the functional features and/or launching in the order determined by the user (technical) documentation and this Agreement.

1.5 Authorized User — a user registered by the Licensee in the Program and authorized in the Program at least once.

1.6 Account — an information resource which is an aggregate of data of one copy of the Program with a unique identifier by means of which the Program objects are grouped for their joint display and use.

1.7 Technical Support — activities performed by Licensor within the limits and scope set by Licensor to ensure the operation of the Program, including information and consulting support for Licensees regarding the use of the Program.

1.8 Agreement — the document under which the Licensor (or other person having the appropriate rights) has provided the Licensee with the Program for its use under the terms of this Agreement.

1.9. registration — an action of the Licensee aimed at creating an Account, carried out in the manner and for the purposes stipulated by the license of the relevant type.

1.10. Account — a record in the Licensor’s system (a login/password pair or a special api key) which stores data allowing to identify and authorize the Licensee and the authorized user.


1.12. API (Application Programming Interface) — an interface of interaction of the System with third-party applications by using the public methods published by the Licensor.


2.1. the Licensor grants the Licensee the right to use (a simple non-exclusive license) the Software within its functionality by reproducing the Software (connecting to the Software via the Internet), exclusively for the Licensee’s independent use without the right to sublicense to third parties.

2.2 This Agreement is concluded before or immediately after the beginning of the use of the Software and is valid for the entire term of the Licensee’s lawful use of the Software within the term of the copyright for it, provided that the Licensee properly observes the terms of this Agreement.

2.3. the Licensor grants the Licensee the right to use the Software without any territorial restrictions in the order and on the conditions stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Agreement and this Agreement.


3.1 The Program is a result of the intellectual activity and subject of the intellectual property rights (Computer program), which are regulated and protected by the intellectual property laws and the norms of the international law.

3.2 The algorithms of the Software and its source codes (including parts of them) are the Licensor’s trade secrets. Any use of them or use of the Software in violation of the conditions of this Agreement is considered as a violation of Licensor’s rights and is sufficient grounds for the deprivation of the User’s rights which are granted by this Agreement.

3.3 The Licensor guarantees that it has all the rights to the Software, including the Software documentation, necessary to grant them to the Licensee.

3.4 Responsibility for the infringement of the copyrights comes in accordance with the current legislation.

3.5 The Licensee is not granted any rights to use the Trademarks and Service Marks of the Licensor and/or its partners by this Agreement.

3.6 Licensee may not under any circumstances remove or obscure any copyright, trademark or patent information or data from the Program.


4.1 The Licensee is granted the right to Register under this License Agreement.

4.2 The Licensee can register on his own by creating and specifying his account.

4.3 The Licensee has the right, within the framework of this License and in accordance with the selected type of the License, to place in the Account the data belonging to him/her, if this does not violate this License Agreement.

4.4 The Licensee has the right to modify, add or delete files of the Program only in cases stipulated by the copyright law.


5.1 Except for the cases, stipulated by this Agreement, the Licensee has the right to assign its rights and obligations under this Agreement in full once to another authorized user.

5.2 The assignment (transfer) of rights and obligations shall be carried out only with the new Licensee’s full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Agreement.

5.3 The Licensee shall provide Licensor with complete data about the new Licensee in order to re-register the Program to him/her in accordance with this Agreement.

5.4 The assignment (transfer) of rights under this Agreement cannot be performed indirectly or through any third party. 6.


whatcrm.net. The license is purchased by subscription, the payments are deducted from the card

6.2 The Licensee has the right to use the Software within the framework of the license for evaluation (trial version) for a limited period of time, determined by the conditions in force at the time of registration, without payment of remuneration.

6.3 The Licensee has the right to change the type of license during the term of its validity, in this case the term of the purchased license will be increased by the term of the paid, but unspent current license, taking into account the tariff cost of the new license.

6.4 The beginning of the term of the license — the day the Account and/or the Account is created (the day of Registration).

6.5 In the event that the term of the applicable license expires and the Licensee fails to purchase a new license within four (4) calendar days from the list specified in Section 6.1 of this Agreement, further use of the Program by the Licensee may be limited by Licensor at its sole discretion.

6.6 Licensor may unilaterally change the types of licenses by posting a new list of licenses on the Internet at whatcrm.net no later than 14 (Fourteen) days prior to the date of such changes coming into effect.


7.1 Registration.

7.1.1 In order to use the program the Licensee has to go through the registration procedure, as a result of which a unique Account and Account will be created for the Licensee. In order to add Authorized Users, the Licensee needs to create their accounts and give them access to the Account using the Software. The number of Authorized Users within one Account is determined based on the type of the license.

7.1.2 In order to register, the Licensee undertakes to provide true and complete information about himself/herself and the Authorized Users on the questions offered in the registration form, and to keep this information up to date. If the Licensee provides incorrect information or the Licensor has reasons to believe that the information provided by the Licensee is incomplete or unreliable, the Licensor has the right at its own discretion to block or delete the Licensee’s account and prohibit the use of the Program.

7.2 Login and password for access to the Licensee’s or Authorized User’s Account.

7.2.1 When registering, the Licensee or the Authorized User chooses their own login (a unique symbolic name for the Licensee’s or the Authorized User’s account) and password to access their Account. The Licensor has the right to prohibit the use of certain logins, and to set requirements for the login and password (length, allowable characters, etc.).

7.2.2 The Licensee or the Authorized User is solely responsible for the security (guessing immunity) of the password he/she chooses, as well as for maintaining the confidentiality of his/her password. The Licensee is solely responsible for all actions/inactions (as well as their consequences) within or with the use of the Program under his Account, including cases of voluntary transfer or non-compliance with confidentiality of data for access to his account to third parties under any conditions (including under contracts or agreements). In this case all actions within or with the use of the Software under Licensee’s account are considered to be made by him/herself, except for cases, which take place after Licensee receives from Licensee a notice about unauthorized use of the Software under Licensee’s account or about any violation (suspicion of violation) of his/her password confidentiality sent in accordance with the procedure provided for in this Agreement.

7.2.3 The Licensee must immediately notify the Licensor of any unauthorized access to the Program using his/her Account and/or of any breach (suspected breach) of his/her password confidentiality. For security purposes, the Licensee is obliged to securely terminate the Licensee’s account (the “Exit” button) at the end of each session of operation of the Program. The Licensor is not responsible for the possible loss of data, as well as other consequences of any nature which may occur due to the Licensee’s violation of the provisions of this part of the Agreement.

7.3 Deletion of the Account. The Licensor has the right to block and delete the Licensee’s Account, including all the content, without giving any reasons, in case of violation of the terms of the Agreement. From this moment it is impossible to restore the account, any information related to it, and access to the Program using this Account.


a) malfunctioning of the Licensor’s hardware and network; b) breaking the Software or limiting other users’ abilities to use the Software; c) unauthorized access to the Software and the Licensor’s informational-computer and network resources; d) causing or threatening to cause damage to third parties, including by posting information and links to the network resources whose content is illegal under the current law of the Russian Federation or the law of third parties.

8.2 The Licensee is not given the opportunity and right to modify the Software.

8.3 The Licensee independently ensures the availability of equipment that meets the technical requirements for using the Program and access to the Internet.

8.4 The Licensee guarantees that he has all necessary rights for all data, computer programs or services, which are used by him in connection with using the Program, and that such actions do not violate the rights of third parties.

8.5 The Licensee is not entitled to use the Software by any means other than those specified in this Agreement, or to copy, sell and resell the Software or access to it, except in cases where the User has obtained such permission from the Licensor.


9.1. the Licensor provides Technical Support for the Licensee, including issues with the functionality of the Software, the peculiarities of operation on standard configurations of supported operating, mail and other systems, in the manner and on the terms set forth in the technical documentation to the Software.

9.2 The Licensee has the right to contact the Technical Support of the Licensor without paying any additional remuneration.

9.3 In order to provide Technical Support the Licensor has the right to require the Licensee to provide information regarding the account data, hardware specifications and other information necessary to provide the Technical Support.


10.1 The program is provided on an “as is” basis and Licensor does not guarantee that all of its functionality will meet the Licensee’s expectations or be usable for the Licensee’s specific purpose.

10.2 The Licensor does not initiate and does not control the placement by the Licensee of any information during the use of the Program, does not affect its content and integrity, and at the time of placement of the specified information does not know and cannot know whether it violates the protected by law rights and interests of third parties, international treaties and applicable law.

10.3 The Licensor is not liable to the Licensee for any damage, any loss of income, profit, information or savings related to the use or inability to use the Program, including in case of prior notice from the Licensee of the possibility of such damages, or by any third party claim.

10.4 If during the use of the Program errors are found, the Licensor will take measures to correct them as soon as possible. The parties agree that the exact term for fixing the error cannot be determined because the Software is closely interacting with other third-party computer programs, operating systems and hardware resources of the Licensee’s computer and the operability and the time of fixing the problems do not depend entirely on the Licensor alone.

10.5 In the event that the Licensee commits acts prohibited by the norms of this Agreement, the Licensor has the right, without explaining the reasons and without any notice to the Licensee, to take measures to detect and prevent the said violations.

10.6 The Licensee is liable for violation of the terms of this Agreement in accordance with the legislation.


provide his personal data, including Surname, Name, Patronymic, email address, contact telephone number, date of birth, region, city, organization, position for their processing by the Licensor.

11.2 The Licensor undertakes to take all necessary measures to protect the above personal data from unauthorized access or disclosure.

collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction.

11.4 This consent is valid for the duration of the License Agreement and the Licensee’s use of the Software. The Licensee understands and agrees that in case of withdrawal of this consent he/she loses the possibility to use part or all of the Software services.

+7 995 226-83-26.

11.6. The Licensee agrees to receive promotional and informational messages regarding the products and services of the Licensor and its partners via e-mail, the address of which he indicates when registering.


12.1 On all the issues not regulated by this Agreement the Parties shall be governed by the current legislation.

12.2 The Licensor has the right to change the terms and conditions of this Agreement unilaterally by posting the amended text on the Internet at whatcrm.net.

12.3 The Licensor has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement in case the Licensee violates the terms of this Agreement on the use of the Program.

12.4 Upon termination of this Agreement by any party and on any grounds, the Licensee and the Authorized Users are obliged to stop using the Program completely.

12.5 In case a competent court declares any provisions of this Agreement to be invalid, the Agreement continues to be valid in the remaining part.


13.1 The Licensee is not allowed to use the Software to send bulk email messages of commercial, advertising or other nature, which are not agreed (not requested) by the recipient via email or teleconference groups (“spam”). Not considered as “spam” mailing of information with the consent of the recipient, with the possibility of unsubscribing.

13.2 The Licensee shall use the Program only for lawful purposes and by lawful means taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation, the European Union and the USA.

13.3 The Licensee is directly responsible for the content of the Account (a copy of the Program) and the data created and maintained by the Licensee. The Licensor has no prior control over the content of the information posted and/or distributed by the Licensee; however, when the posting and distribution of such information contradicts the law, the Licensor has the right to block or delete the corresponding Account and data without warning.

13.4 The Licensor does not provide communication services to the Licensee, does not arrange for the Licensee’s access to information systems of information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, and does not carry out activities to receive, process, store, transmit and deliver telecommunications messages.


Addresses regarding the terms of this Agreement and Technical Support shall be accepted by the contacts indicated at whatcrm.net#in-touch.


TelphinUSA INC.

233 Needham Street, Suite 550, Newton, MA 02464, USA